Green Land Blue Planet aims to promote ecological and sustainable activities and solutions implemented by each individual at local level showing that, with the current technology, is possible to live more harmoniously with nature, in a simple and comfortable way. Living in more harmony with nature can be a enlighten process.

  • Green and Blue

Among the most fertile and biodiverse places on Earth, are places where is possible to find a green luxurious land and fresh water. Preserve and enhance green areas, stop pollution and reuse waste so that we can preserve the precious blue of our planet.

  • Awareness and respect

Biodiversity is being lost at an alarming rate due to human activities. Be aware of the danger that this loss represent to us. Respect and make an efforts to counteract local habitat loss and degradation.

  • All count

Individual attitude and action can be beneficial to our planet. We take but we should also give in order to establish a good balance and live in more harmony with all the living beings.

For the times being, Green Land Blue Planet has four major areas of intervention / promotion:

Soft Farming aims to promote local growing of fruits and veggies on cities paved areas such as: roof tops, balconies, terraces, patios, empty indoor or outdoor walls, city parks, …, increasing the cities autonomy regarding fresh fruits and veggies supply. Technology is changing every day improving our life standards, making what was once complicated and difficult simpler and easier, agricultural is not exclude from this evolution. In nowadays, we find high developed cultivation platforms, sensors to allow efficient and automatic supplement of water and nutrients, ultraviolet lights to foment the plants growing, … so it makes no sense to continue viewing self-sufficiency farming  as our grandparents did, everything can be simpler and more automatic.


Árvores e Bosques (Trees and Woods) aims to promote the importance of preserve and spread trees and woods to maintain habitats, prevent soil erosion, moderate weather, absorb carbon dioxide, storing energy in carbon polymers and hydrogen (aka wood), retaining pollutants and suspended particles in the atmosphere, and contribute for the quality of water storage in ground water.


Cozinhar a Lenha (Cooking with wood) Heating and cooking with a sustainable energy source, such as rejected wood, wooden leftovers and/or wood coming from forest maintenance, ideally collected on a nearby wood or forest is part of Green Land Blue Planet vision towards a sustainable future. Modern wood or pellets stoves and cookers have come a long way were it comes to efficiency (high use of the wood/pellets calorific power) and the reducing of smoke emissions, making its use sustainable when compared to other energy sources.


Energia á Quinta (Energy to the fifth power) aims to promote the use of energy sources available locally, the saving and efficient management of energy and the benefits of diversifying the energy sources used in order to maximize energy autonomy of your home, for such it is intended to promote everyday actions and devices that increase energy efficiency.
